

How to connect Calendly and Salesforce

Automatically create and update Salesforce records when you schedule meetings using Calendly.

Sarah Henning

Sarah Henning
Sep 19, 2022

8 min read


You depend on Salesforce to be your source of truth, but it’s only as good as the data it contains. And since the dawn of CRMs, managers and system admins have struggled to get users to make updates. 

Poor data quality costs businesses about $700 billion a year. Part of that cost is because sales reps spend 21% of their time researching incomplete data.

Let Calendly update your Salesforce data automatically with meeting and invitee information. You’ll love that Salesforce records are always accurate: No more chasing down your reps with last-minute questions. Your sales team will love using the integration to reduce admin hassle and get back more selling time. 

With Calendly meetings part of your Salesforce data, you can gain reporting insights to learn how meetings affect your sales cycle.

Why integrate Calendly with your Salesforce CRM

A scheduling automation platform known for its easy user experience, Calendly takes the work out of updating Salesforce so your team can hit your revenue goals faster. With the Calendly + Salesforce integration, when Calendly meetings are scheduled or canceled, you’ll automatically create new events (or update existing events) on any Salesforce object. Other functionality includes: 

  • Easy mapping: Map information gathered in the booking flow to relevant fields in Salesforce, so your team can see all the information they need without switching tabs 

  • Activity tracking: Track and measure activity from Calendly by campaign, time period, meeting type, rep, or other fields, and sync no-show occurrences when a no-show is marked in Calendly

  • Qualification and routing: Route customers and known leads from your website forms to the right rep’s booking page via real-time Salesforce lookup

  • Transparency: View upcoming and past meetings from your activity feed 

  • Customization: Customize the integration within Salesforce to align with your current lead process and Salesforce setup. Enable custom automations in Salesforce using team members’ Calendly profile links and your organization’s Managed Events.

Customers like Lyft, Conductor, and Bitly have successfully used the integration to streamline their sales funnels and improve data hygiene. 

Learn how to integrate your Salesforce and Calendly accounts now!

How Lyft uses the Salesforce + Calendly integration

Lyft’s small-business solutions (SBS) program works with companies that offer ridesharing as a perk. But the program proved so popular that Lyft had to find a more efficient way to sort through all their inbound leads.

They hired more SDRs to sort initial queries and qualify potential leads. Then Lyft put the whole SBS team on a Calendly account, integrated it with Salesforce, and had their revamped system up and running in less than a day. 

Now SDRs screen new prospects, who are invited to answer a few basic questions on Lyft’s Calendly page. Handy integration features push everything through to Salesforce, even answers to the questionnaire. Then the leads are invited to schedule meetings with specialists via Calendly link, making it easy for the leads to pick the most convenient time for them. 

Through the integration, the Calendly meetings and lead activity are logged in Salesforce automatically.

The result? “We are able to take more meetings, that’s for sure,” says Alexia, head of Lyft’s SBS program. “The specialists know exactly who they are talking to and are able to see all the information for that prospect before the call.” 

Qualify, route, and book sales meetings instantly

Qualify, route, and book sales meetings instantly

Fill pipeline faster and drive more revenue using scheduling automation.

Speed up your sales cycle and automate lead assignment

The Calendly + Salesforce integration helps you close deals faster than the competition by scheduling high-value leads on the spot. Calendly Routing works with your marketing forms and Salesforce records to qualify, route, and schedule meetings. 

When a known lead or customer submits a form, they schedule directly with the right account owner — without any manual reassignment. The Salesforce lookup matches known leads and customers to their assigned account owner, filtering by deal stage, territory, or other fields. 

You can use any custom or standard Salesforce object (accounts, opportunities, and leads) and build conditions from any field that exists in that object. 

What does this look like in action?

  • Instantly schedule leads with account owners: Ensure sales meetings automatically happen with the right person without losing time to manual reassignments or follow-ups.

  • Filter ownership by additional Salesforce fields: Match known leads with their assigned owner, filtering by deal stage, territory, or other fields. For example, only match leads with their assigned owner if the deal stage is open.

  • Disqualify leads using Salesforce lookup: Send people to a thank you page or custom URL when conditions aren't met, such as your deal size thresholds in Salesforce.

  • Route to a different rep paired with the assigned owner: Work in Account Teams? Set up rules to look for an account owner, then route to a different rep on the Account Team.

  • Schedule with other teams: Use territory fields to route known leads to a local, high-priority sales team’s booking page or send known customers to book with your support team.

The Salesforce lookup is a game changer for our sales team. They no longer spend 5+ hours a month reassigning website demos.

Testimonial author

Abbie Deaver

Director of Marketing at RCReports

You connect with leads and customers faster, saving valuable time for your team and creating a better experience for your customers.

While users on Calendly’s Teams plan and above can connect Calendly to Salesforce, the full suite of Salesforce routing features, including routing by Salesforce ownership, is only available on Calendly’s Enterprise plan.

Connect Calendly, then customize

Salesforce’s pipeline reporting and forecasting are only useful if data is accurate, thorough, and up to date. Meeting details are one of the easiest things to forget to put in, especially quick calls or video conferences scheduled on the fly. Some scheduling tools advertise compatibility with Salesforce, but Calendly has a native integration, meaning less work and faster adoption for your team. 

The Salesforce integration, which is included in Calendly’s Teams and Enterprise plans, improves your data hygiene by reducing friction for sales reps. You also get easier access to prospect and customer information, and more knowledge about how your sales meeting cadences are working. 

Screen image of Calendly meeting Event Type embedded in Salesforce activity record
When a customer or lead books a meeting through Calendly, the Salesforce integration adds the event to their Salesforce record.

Right out of the box, the integration offers stellar functionality. As Calendly meetings are created or canceled, you can automatically:

  • Create leads and events

  • Check for matching records so no duplicates are created

  • View upcoming Calendly events from your Salesforce record’s open activities

  • Track canceled and rescheduled events for individual invitees

  • Report on activity sourced by Calendly

Get all the details on default behavior here.

Get started with Calendly’s Salesforce integration

Calendly's Salesforce integration is designed to improve your data transparency, accuracy, and control. The sooner you set up the connection, the sooner you can benefit! 

How to install the Salesforce integration package: 

  1. Go to your Integrations page and select “Salesforce”

  2. Select “Go to setup”

  3. Authenticate your Salesforce account

  4. Install the Calendly package from the link in Step 2

How to customize the package

Calendly's package is completely customizable. Once you install the package, you can make changes to the default flows to suit your needs. Some popular customizations include:

  • Customize the flow to update accounts, contacts, cases, opportunities or any custom object you work with, or to automate tasks for your team to help them prep for their meeting

  • Filter the flow to only trigger on certain conditions, such as event type or user

  • Map invitee responses in Calendly to fields in Salesforce, such as company name and size

  • Add conditional logic to support Sales meetings differently from Marketing or Customer Success meetings 

Teams on Calendly’s Enterprise plan can keep data more manageable by choosing which groups’ Calendly data syncs with Salesforce. Calendly admins use groups to segment users based on department, job function, or location.

Let’s say your entire company uses Calendly, but only revenue teams use Salesforce. You can choose to only sync Calendly data for your Sales group, so you don’t have to worry about other teams’ data in Salesforce.

How to schedule a Calendly meeting without leaving Salesforce 

You can add custom buttons to your Salesforce page layouts, which let you schedule a Calendly meeting on behalf of your customers, or trigger an email with your Calendly link to send directly from Salesforce. And unlike some add-on scheduling tools, Calendly lets you share scheduling links that let any prospect book time with you automatically.

Zero-hassle automation your sales team will love

Salesforce is an amazing tool that users agree is important … but most users also admit they don’t update as often (or as thoroughly) as they should. Manually updating your CRM takes time, and can be a hassle for sales reps who may not see what’s in it for them. 

When CRM fields are left empty or data isn’t up to date, you’re not getting maximum ROI for Salesforce. Worse yet, your sales team wastes time researching incomplete records, slowing down your sales funnel, obscuring valuable reporting insights, and impacting your bottom line. 

Let Calendly help you build a 360-degree view of your prospects and customers. The Calendly + Salesforce integration is customizable, and easy to connect and use. And there are more functionalities to come, as Calendly is actively developing more capabilities to help you take the work out of lead and CRM management! 

Learn more about Calendly
See how your organization — like 100,000+ others — can simplify scheduling, convert more leads, and delight your customers with Calendly.

See how your organization — like 100,000+ others — can simplify scheduling, convert more leads, and delight your customers with Calendly.

Sarah Henning

Sarah Henning

Sarah is a Managing Editor at Calendly, the perfect home for her obsession with words and compulsion to organize. Hobbies include spoiling her rescue dog and soaking up Nashville's live music scene.

Don't leave your prospects, customers, and candidates waiting

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.