

Calendly Routing: Turn high-value leads into qualified meetings instantly

Calendly Routing allows you to qualify, route, and schedule meetings instantly from your website.

Julia Farina

Julia Farina
Mar 29, 2023

10 min read

Calendly Routing: Turn high-value leads into qualified meetings instantly

We’re all familiar with the status quo:

A prospect visits your site, compares your solution to others, and reads customer reviews. It’s a high-intent moment. They fill out a contact form … then they wait. Maybe they get a “we’ll be in touch” message, but no clear next steps or time frame.

Meanwhile, your team scrambles to figure out who the prospect should talk to on your team. Then it takes an average of seven emails to schedule the first meeting. 

All those delays give prospective buyers an opening to find a different solution.

Responding to a prospect within 5 minutes is the current best practice, believe it or not! That’s impossible when you’re still using manual or disconnected processes to qualify, route, and schedule leads.

Now with Calendly Routing, you can close deals faster than the competition by scheduling high-value leads on the spot. Best of all, it integrates with Salesforce, HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, and other tools your team already uses to automate inbound sales leads.

What Calendly Routing looks like in action

Let’s say your pipeline goal is to land sales meetings with people like Nora, an IT buyer at an enterprise software company. Nora fills out your contact form (which is already built in HubSpot and enriched with Clearbit).

You can send Nora straight to the booking page for your No. 1 enterprise sales rep. Nora is happy about that, and immediately books the meeting time that works best for her, with the exact person she needs to talk to.

What if the prospect is someone like Eric — not a 100% match, but still shows potential? You can route Eric to a team scheduling page that automates meeting distribution, so he can book a meeting with your first available sales rep.

So what happens if the person submitting the contact form isn’t a prospect at all, but already an important customer like Jaden? It would be a mistake to send him to sales. Thankfully, Calendly connects to Salesforce CRM, where Jaden’s account record is found, and he’s automatically presented with the personal booking page for his assigned account manager.

Each scenario is fast, easy, and accurate. It’s a flawless customer experience for every person who fills out the form.

Gif illustrating the steps to set up Calendly Routing. You can build a Calendly form or select an existing HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot form. Next, you set up rules and logic. And finally, based on that logic, you route the user to the right booking page.
If you have existing HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot forms, they don't change. Just import them into Calendly to add scheduling routes into the experience. Or, you can create new routing forms in Calendly.

The Smith.ai sales team was intrigued by the potential to convert inbound leads into qualified demos with the right account executive. The company's seeing great results so far, said Bryce Kropf, Senior Sales Manager at Smith.ai.

Since implementing Calendly Routing, Smith.ai has seen 34% of marketing qualified leads (MQLs) converting to appointments from their website. They've also seen a 20% increase in show rates for initial consults, since they've eliminated the confusion and messiness that comes from shifting reps, dates, and times.

We’re seeing an incredible 26% increase in demos booked through the form. The experience is clearly resonating with customers and it’s driving better end results for our sales and marketing teams.

Testimonial author

Bryce Kropf

Sales Enablement Manager at Smith.ai

Book qualified website leads on the spot

It’s easier than you think to add scheduling routes into your marketing landing page forms. In fact, your existing forms stay the same and you simply build the scheduling routes in Calendly. When you're done, add a snippet of code to your website and you're ready to go.

We like to think about it in three parts:

  • Qualify: You can continue to qualify leads using your existing marketing forms in HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot, or you can build new forms in Calendly. You can also continue to use hidden fields and marketing intelligence tools like Clearbit and ZoomInfo to populate company name, size, and other demographic data that may be available

  • Route: Send known leads or existing customers directly to their assigned account owner’s booking page. (This happens automatically behind the scenes using either a HubSpot or Salesforce lookup, filtering by deal stage, territory, or other fields in Salesforce — no manual reassignment needed!)

  • Schedule: Present qualified prospects with a specific booking page so they can schedule a meeting immediately. For leads who don’t book, your existing routing rules and engines kick in as usual (via Salesforce, LeanData, Distribution Engine, etc.).

Calendly offers intuitive and flexible options to get you up and running quickly. Let’s dig a little deeper into each of the above components.

Qualify, route, and book sales meetings instantly

Qualify, route, and book sales meetings instantly

Fill pipeline faster and drive more revenue using scheduling automation.

1. Qualify leads in real time

Calendly Routing works with your marketing lead capture forms (which collect information like type of company, department, and job role). Then, when a lead or customer meets your criteria, they can book a meeting right after completing your form. 

Get started quickly using one of three options: 

If you have existing forms, they don't change. Just import them into Calendly to start building scheduling routes. If you don't use HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot? No problem, you can simply build routing forms in Calendly.

You can embed Calendly routing forms on your website and landing pages and share them as links in emails. Both methods eliminate the back and forth of coordinating availability, and provide a consistent customer experience. 

If your HubSpot, Marketo, or Pardot forms use visible and hidden form field responses to qualify leads and surface specific booking pages, you can also use that data to determine which booking pages appear. That means you can continue to take advantage of data enrichment tools, like Clearbit or Zoominfo, that allow you to shorten your forms.

Facing increasing pressure to directly impact revenue, marketing teams need rich, reliable data to bring best-fit website visitors into the pipeline. Combining real-time intelligence and instant Calendly booking leads to more high-quality pipeline for go-to-market teams — not to mention a better experience for buyers.

Testimonial author

Kevin Tate

Chief Marketing Officer at Clearbit

2. Automatically route known leads and existing customers

When you route and assign leads from your website automatically, you gain valuable opportunities and greater deal momentum. Real-time routing to booking pages lets you capture customers at the height of their interest (and thereby increase conversions)! This can also be helpful at trade show event kiosks, where prospective customers fill out a demo request and get automatically matched and scheduled with specific sales reps.

Screenshot showing Calendly’s built-in routing logic feature.
In Calendly, you can easily customize routing rules to match website visitors with the right booking page.

When connecting marketing forms to Calendly, you have two options: Automatically route based on real-time Salesforce or HubSpot ownership, or route using Calendly’s native routing logic.

Calendly Routing is built to work with both HubSpot and Salesforce CRM. When a known lead or customer fills out a form, automatically route them to the booking page for  their active HubSpot or Salesforce account owner. You can use any custom or standard Salesforce object (accounts, opportunities, and leads), build conditions from any field that exists in that object, and filter by deal stage, territory, or other fields.  This way, leads and customers schedule directly with the right team member no matter the deal status or situation — without any manual reassignment.

Screenshot showing Calendly integrates with Salesforce lookup to match and schedule leads and customers based on real-time CRM account ownership.
Calendly integrates with Salesforce to match and schedule leads and customers based on real-time CRM assignment.

For example, when "rachel@wotoly.com” fills out a form on your website, Calendly Routing looks up her Wotoly domain in Salesforce, sees the Wotoly opportunity already exists in Salesforce and the deal status is open, and automatically shows Rachel the booking page for Wotoly’s assigned sales rep.

When scheduling meetings with new prospects using Calendly, Salesforce automatically creates a new lead, contact, or opportunity. When the prospect already exists, the event is simply added to the existing record.

Reps will love using the integration to get back more selling time, and management will love that Salesforce data is always accurate without having to chase down their reps for updates or manually reassign leads.

At RCReports, the new routing feature has been a game changer, said Abbie Deaver, Director of Marketing. She said before, account executives (AEs) were each spending 5+ hours a month re-assigning demos that were booked on the wrong calendar, creating a disjointed experience for the customer, and frustration within the team.

Now that we’ve implemented Calendly’s routing feature with Salesforce integration, demos are always booked with the correct AE, reducing friction for both our team and the customer.

Testimonial author

Abbie Deaver

Director of Marketing at RCReports

3. Schedule high-value, qualified leads directly from your website

One surefire way to close your inbound gaps: Make sure when a website visitor hits “submit,” account lookup and qualification rules match them to the right booking page. 

But, you ask, “how do I ensure high-value leads can schedule on the spot, while also preventing the sales team from wasting time on unqualified leads?”

Great question. We recommend setting up three different types of routes: booking, screening, and fallback. Then, based on how the person fills out the form, your routes will determine what happens next.

Use booking routes for people you want to meet. These can take many shapes. For example, if you’re using Salesforce to identify known leads, you can route them to the personal booking page for their lead owner or opportunity owner. 

For unknown leads, you can send Fortune 500 companies to your Enterprise sales team for a 30-minute intro call. Or send qualified leads who speak Portuguese to a booking page for your Portuguese-speaking sales reps. Or when a qualified lead shows interest in a specific product, you can route them to a 45-minute demo with your product expert. The options are almost limitless. 

For leads that don’t qualify for a meeting, use screening routes to filter them out, and build a fallback route for those who don’t match your existing screening or booking routes. With screening and fallback routes, instead of sending prospects to a booking page, you can show them a custom message with next steps, ask for more information, or redirect them to a specific URL.

Gif illustrating how a user fills out a website contact form and is routed to a Calendly booking page.
Speed up your sales cycle by letting high-value leads schedule at the peak of their interest, eliminating the delays that cause them to buy elsewhere.

In most cases, you’ll want to send leads to a team scheduling page, where you use a Round Robin to spread meetings around your sales team. Round Robin Event Types examine the availability of every team member, and then auto-assign the meeting based on customizable event logic like availability, equal distribution, and team priorities.

You may choose to have one Round Robin booking page for your enterprise sales team, and separate booking pages for your mid-market reps and your SDRs. 

HubSpot's VP of Platform Ecosystem, Scott Brinker, said he's excited Calendly has built an integration to help HubSpot customers accelerate sales engagement.

Calendly Routing is a remarkable product for go-to-market teams. It turns buyer interactions into meaningful, instantaneous opportunities, all within an intuitive scheduling platform that so many marketers and salespeople know, love, and trust.

Testimonial author

Scott Brinker

VP of Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot

Easily report on conversion rates

Routing analytics help you eliminate guesswork and reveal how your “Contact Sales” forms perform with leads and customers. Within Calendly, you can track all of the scheduled meetings coming from your HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, or Calendly forms. 

Stylized screenshot of Routing Analytics in Calendly showing the number of forms submitted, number of events booked, and conversion rate.
Track your form conversion rates — a key metric for improving speed-to-lead — with routing analytics.

Easily discover scheduling trends and adjust your form experience based on whether meetings increase or decrease week to week. You can also review all of your lead responses in real-time within Calendly and export them to a CSV file. 

Improve speed to lead and level up your pipeline

Today’s buyers expect to educate themselves about your products (via your website, blog, and third-party reviews) and to get immediate answers when they’re ready to engage. Your enterprise sales motion is no exception — especially when it comes to your “contact sales” page. 

When you engage with a lead at their moment of interest, you’re creating a positive customer experience and minimizing the possibility of competitors reaching them first. Calendly makes it simple to exceed buyers’ expectations and win their business. It integrates with your existing marketing automation tools, and is designed specifically to work with your Salesforce CRM. 

Calendly Routing’s various components can be mixed and matched depending on your plan. 

Grid showing which Routing features are available on different Calendly plans. Visit our pricing page calendly.com/pricing to upgrade or for more details.
Calendly Routing is available on Teams and Enterprise plans. Only Enterprise customers have access to the Salesforce lookup.

Why invest in creating all those high-intent opportunities if you can’t act on them right away? Get started with Calendly Routing today to make every sales opportunity count.

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Julia Farina

Julia Farina

Julia is a Senior Manager, Product Marketing at Calendly.

Don't leave your prospects, customers, and candidates waiting

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.