

Supercharge your scheduling without leaving your web browser

One-click meeting scheduling is possible! Get Calendly’s extension for Chrome, Edge, or Firefox now.

Danielle Ma

Danielle Ma
May 01, 2024

6 min read

Supercharge your scheduling without leaving your web browser

How many tabs do you have open right now?

Toggling between apps and tabs on our computer has become such an everyday part of our desk jobs that we’re generally in the dark about our habits.

According to Harvard Business Review, we’re paying the “toggle tax” roughly 1,200 times each day in the form of wasted time, stalled energy, and lost focus.

Web browser extensions help you toggle less and take back control by adding custom features to your browser that you can quickly access with a click. Even if your company relies on a deep tech stack, that doesn’t mean you have to keep each and every application open around the clock.

To help you triumph over tabs, Calendly’s new and improved browser extension offers one-click access into Calendly, including all your scheduling links. The extension also lets you manage your schedule, keep track of your contacts, and book meetings in an instant. And no matter where you’re working online, don’t slow down on our account: The extension is there when you need it, and gone when you don’t.

So go ahead and close that Calendly tab you have open (maybe a few others, too!) and use the extension instead.

This makes it so easy to send Calendly links and schedule with my partners and prospects. I used to keep an extra tab open just for Calendly, and now I don’t need it. The extension is more convenient and more powerful.

Testimonial author

Sarah Pinner

CEO and Co-founder at Beni

View your meetings for the day

I don’t know about you, but my day starts and ends with my schedule. I want to know what’s on my plate for the next eight hours and wrap up my day by taking a look at the rest of the week.

Calendly’s extension gives you a focused view of your day — one click into the new Meetings tab shows you all your Calendly-booked events. Not only does the Meetings tab consolidate all your most important external appointments — from high-stakes discovery calls to client syncs and more — in one place, but it also lets you join a live meeting, cancel a call, or reschedule in a pinch.

In other words, the extension lets you manage your day and your time how you want.

Gif demonstrating how the Meetings tab shows past, current, and future meetings booked through Calendly. You can join an in-progress event or make changes by canceling or rescheduling meetings from this tab. Clicking on a meeting opens a detailed view.
The Meetings tab shows past, current, and future meetings booked through Calendly. You can join an in-progress event or make changes by canceling or rescheduling meetings directly from this tab. Clicking on a meeting takes you to a detailed view.

Plans change! When your scheduled meetings and Event Types are combined like this, it’s quick and painless to shift things around and immediately see those updates reflected on your schedule.

Book meetings live on a call

As of today, tens of millions of meetings have been scheduled by folks emailing their Calendly links or embedding Calendly into their website for efficient and asynchronous booking. But many meetings are still scheduled live in a room or on a call, particularly by salespeople and recruiters.

Calendly’s extension now can help you do that, too. When you’ve already decided on a time, live or even via email, skip the scheduling link and book that meeting in real time. The best part? The meeting stays connected to all your Event Type automations, including location, reminders, and follow-up notifications. And invites are sent instantly to all parties, complete with reschedule and cancellation links.

Gif showing that from the Event Types tab, you can either share your availability or instantly book a meeting. There are two booking view options — a "full calendar" view with contextual schedule details and an "available times" view for screen sharing.
From the Event Types tab, you can either share your availability or instantly book a meeting. There are two booking view options — a "full calendar" view with contextual schedule details and an "available times" view that's great for screen sharing.

Not all meetings are created equal, and it’s important to stay flexible as priorities evolve. Now when you’re scheduling in real time, you also have the ability to schedule outside available hours, book over internal work blocks, and override Event Type rules like minimum scheduling notice — all from the full calendar view. 

With real-time booking from Calendly’s browser extension, it takes less than three minutes to confirm a follow-up meeting at the end of the call. It’s a huge benefit to be able to book immediately versus having to chase a customer down. It increases the likelihood of meeting with them again and leaves more time to focus on their needs during the actual call.

Testimonial author

Gabriele Borges de Souza

International Onboarding Consultant at Docusign

Schedule on behalf of someone else

For those of you working in an organization, it’s easy to give your teammates permission to view or edit specific Event Types.

Gif proving that cross-team collaboration is easy: You can edit Event Type permissions on Calendly.com, giving teammates “view” or “edit” access to that specific meeting type.
Cross-team collaboration is easy: You can edit Event Type permissions on Calendly.com, giving teammates “view” or “edit” access to that specific meeting type.

Once you have access, your teammates’ Event Types will show up in your extension, ready to go. From there, you can easily send a teammate’s scheduling link, or even book a meeting directly on their behalf. Unlike with your own calendar, you won’t be able to see any personal meeting details, so everyone’s privacy is always protected.

Gif showing how you can book a meeting for a teammate without impacting your own schedule. Don't worry about working with unfamiliar time zones: Calendly makes it super easy to see mutually available times, no matter where hosts and invitees are located.
Book a meeting for a teammate without impacting your own schedule. Don't worry about working with unfamiliar time zones: Calendly makes it super easy to see mutually available times, no matter where your hosts and invitees are located.

When you’re frequently scheduling meetings for other people (shout-outs to sales pros and executive assistants!) the ability to book smooth and speedy handoffs is everything. With the extension one click away, you can let Calendly handle the meeting link and time zone math while you focus on discovery, customer service, relationship building, and other uniquely human tasks. Data also stays synced with Calendly analytics — including information about who booked the meeting — ensuring proper deal attribution every time. 

If you’re looping in a teammate on the next call but not quite ready for a complete handoff, you can book a Collective Event and even swap co-hosts on the fly.

I find a ton of value booking meetings directly from the Chrome extension, scheduling right then and there on a call. I want to have the next call on the books before I leave rather than relying on them to schedule — it definitely reduces our drop-off. And it’s nice because they’re already a contact in Calendly since I’ve met with them before.

Testimonial author

Colby Baum

Account Executive at MessageDesk

Keep track of your contacts and meeting history

There’s a distinctly panicky feeling I get when realizing I’m underprepared for a call that starts in two minutes. I know it’s not just me. We’ve all been there. I’ll furiously keystroke my way into finding a few key facts:

  1. Who I’m meeting

  2. Where they work

  3. When we last spoke

As a tool that promises to show up when you need it (and disappear when you don’t), this is a moment we’ll be there for you. A quick click into the Contacts tab lets you see who you’re meeting and skim contact details and scheduling history so you can pick up right where you left off. No sifting through piles of emails, heaps of notes, or a mountain of context; just the facts you need, in a skimmable view.

Gif of the Contacts tab, which makes it easy to see who you’re meeting with, review scheduling history, and book follow-ups directly from Calendly. Clicking into a contact brings you to their profile with more details.
The Contacts tab makes it easy to see who you’re meeting with, review scheduling history, and book follow-ups directly from Calendly. Clicking into a contact brings you to their profile with more details.

Not only can you review personal meeting activity by contact, you can also favorite the people you frequently meet and book time with them directly from their profile. From pre-meeting prep to booking follow-ups, the Contacts tab makes it easier to show up confidently and move conversations forward.

Our advisors use Calendly Contacts to quickly see a client’s meeting history with our team without having to ask questions about the previously discussed conversation topics or next steps. It’s a better experience, while saving everyone time by getting follow-up meetings scheduled on the spot.

Testimonial author

Asiya Khan

Manager, Branch and Business Practice at CI Assante Wealth Management

Download the Calendly extension for free

Calendly’s extension is free for all users, and it’s available on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. The Outlook add-in works much of the same magic in the Outlook desktop app. 

If you’ve previously installed the extension, there’s no need to re-download. You may just need to confirm some updated permissions. These make the Calendly icon super easy to access, no matter where you’re working on the web, and they’re the same as those requested by 1Password, Grammarly, Loom, and other tools we love. These permissions also make it possible for you to access key extension integrations and embed your Calendly in places like Gmail, LinkedIn, Google Calendar, and Gong.

(For more about the ins and outs of our permissions, including how admins can apply customizations or restrictions at an organization level, visit the Help Center.)

Save time, tabs, and brain power with one-click access to all that you need — and nothing you don’t — for a successful end-to-end meeting experience. Happy scheduling!

Schedule like a pro
Ready to share your Calendly link from your web browser?

Ready to share your Calendly link from your web browser?

How to get more done with the Calendly extension

Webinar: How to get more done with the Calendly extension

Learn how Calendly’s new and improved web browser extension helps you better manage your schedule, keep track of your contacts, and book meetings in real time.
Danielle Ma

Danielle Ma

Danielle is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Calendly. She is based in Seattle, WA.

Don't leave your prospects, customers, and candidates waiting

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.