
Using Calendly

Your guide to setting up custom questions for your invitees

Learn how to gather the right information to host the most successful meeting.


Jun 01, 2020

2 min read

Setting Up Custom Questions for Invitees

Calendly collects name and email addresses for each person that schedules with you, so we can share the calendar invite automatically and other notifications and reminders you set. You can take this a step further by adding custom questions.

Each custom question can be marked as required or optional for your invitees. Choose from a variety of answer types, like radio buttons, checkboxes or open-ended responses.

Simply including a few more questions on your scheduling form helps you understand your invitee’s needs and goals to better prepare for your meeting.

5 most commonly used custom questions

  1. Phone number

  2. Job title

  3. Company name

  4. What would you like to accomplish in this meeting?

  5. Provide any other information that will help me prepare for our meeting.

Example questions for meetings in 4 industries

1. Sales

  • Budget

  • Company or team size

  • Top challenges

  • Product or solution you’re interested in

2. Customer success

  • What do you need help with?

  • What problems are you experiencing?

Hot Tip

We have plenty of sales and customer success teams that map custom questions to Salesforce, so all data is within the CRM they work out of daily.

3. Recruiting

  • Which position are you interested in?

  • Salary requirements

4. Education

  • Student ID

  • Major

Keep in mind that including too many questions may get in the way of someone completing your scheduling form. We recommend limiting to the questions you absolutely need to help you prepare for the meeting and saving the rest of your questions for the meeting.

Webinar: Automate your recruiting process + build candidate pipeline

Webinar: Automate your recruiting process + build candidate pipeline

How do you navigate recruiting roadblocks in a highly competitive market? Learn tips for using scheduling automation to connect with more top candidates and speed up time-to-hire.

How do I set up custom questions?

To get started, edit your Event Type and select “Invitee Questions” in the “Additional Options” section. Simply click “+Add New Question” and you can add up to 10 questions across the various answer types.

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Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.