
Fewer admin distractions, double the demos for Virtru’s sales team

Virtru’s sales reps were swamped with administrative tasks that ate up valuable time they could spend interacting with clients. Now, a Calendly scheduling button on the company’s website helps potential customers set their own demo meetings, so sales reps can focus on selling.

3 min read

Use case

Sales, Marketing



Team size

100-500 employees

Product features

Round Robin, Website Embed

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Fewer admin distractions, double the demos for Virtru’s sales team

Virtru’s sales reps were swamped with administrative tasks that ate up valuable time they could spend interacting with clients. Now, a Calendly scheduling button on the company’s website helps potential customers set their own demo meetings, so sales reps can focus on selling.

3 min read

2x demos

scheduled via inbound leads

Fast results

within weeks of implementation


sales workload with robin distribution

The challenge

Inbound volume sidetracks sales reps

Sean McVey had no problem getting the attention of potential customers. Amid rising concerns about online privacy, Virtru’s encryption software generated plenty of buzz. The company’s top-of-funnel marketing was delivering prospects by the dozen, and 90% of Virtru’s future clients came to the website of their own accord.

Still, as director of demand generation, Sean was always on the lookout for ways to improve. Queries are good, but customers are better.

As he monitored the sales team, Sean realized something slowed the process of converting those eager website visitors into customers. He noticed his sales reps were overbooked. As they jumped from call to call, the team was spending hours per day on menial scheduling tasks — so much that it could distract them from doing the necessary follow-up work with potential customers.

Too many hot leads were going cold. With each rep responsible for managing all the communication with their own clients, they often wrote multiple emails to set up a simple introductory call. Flooded as they were with yet more incoming business, replies might linger in an inbox for hours. The longer a prospect waited, the more likely they were to lose interest.

Sean knew he needed to lighten his salespeople’s workload, so they could get back to doing demos and interacting with clients.

The solution

Book ‘em while they’re hot

All in all, sorting through a surplus of inbound traffic is a good problem to have. But it also meant Sean didn’t have time to retool his whole operation with a new workflow system or anything that would require complicated training. If only he could find a simple way to help the sales team get out of their own way, then customers could simply come to them.

Sean found Calendly and realized it could fit right into the company’s existing processes. These days, a visitor to Virtru’s site can click a "Request a demo" call-to-action button that immediately routes them to Calendly to schedule an appointment. There’s no lag between interest and action. Customers can connect for a demo in minutes — and many do.

Within the first month of using Calendly, we jumped from 30% to 61% of leads scheduling a call.

Better yet, Sean was able to centralize control of his sales reps’ calendars. Not only did Calendly distribute the work evenly, it automatically routed clients to the salesperson with an open slot at the client’s preferred time.

The results

Sales reps stay focused on selling

Rather than reorganize his whole team, Sean was able to optimize and automate their existing modus operandi. Calendly streamlined the communication process for customers and sales reps alike, and the reps didn’t even need to break stride. Instead of wasting hours on monotonous scheduling, Sean’s team can now concentrate on their most important task — closing deals.

Automation has sped up the entire sales cycle. There are plenty of people who need encryption software; Virtru’s sales team just needs to show them what the product can do. Calendly lets potential customers schedule their own demo appointment. Sales reps do the demos, and then still have time to focus on follow-up.

Ready to explore what Calendly can do for you? Sign up for free today.

Easy access for easy bookings

Share your Calendly link right from your browser, so you can schedule meetings without the back-and-forth

Share your Calendly link right from your browser, so you can schedule meetings without the back-and-forth