
Making scheduling human: The Calendly guide to etiquette

Making scheduling human: The Calendly guide to etiquette

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PDF | 15 pages

For all its convenience, some people still think scheduling automation is impersonal, unthoughtful, or even rude. Those perceptions come from receiving a scheduling link with few pleasantries or little thought about why the meeting is a valuable use of their time. Add some technophobia, and it's easy to see why it gets a bad reputation.

In this e-book, you'll learn the link-sharing etiquette that overcomes resistance to scheduling automation and books more meetings. From phrasing introductions to incorporating audience needs, you'll have the tools to create more approachable — and more successful — meeting invitations. These insights will help you connect with people more effectively and get you closer to achieving your goals.

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Ready to transform how you meet?

Share your Calendly link right from your browser, so you can schedule meetings without the back-and-forth.