

5 ways Calendly gives your sales team superpowers

Learn how Calendly saves an average 15 minutes per meeting scheduled.

Anna Charity

Anna Charity
Sep 30, 2021

2 min read

Calendly for sales teams

A recent Calendly study found that people send an average of 7.3 emails to schedule a single meeting

Now multiply that by all of your sales representatives and all of their contacts across the entire sales funnel. 

Time is money. 

Fortunately, there’s a way to gain some back every time you have to schedule a meeting. 

Calendly helps you accelerate sales cycles by cutting out the back-and-forth, saving you on average about 15 minutes per meeting scheduled.

5 ways Calendly accelerates your sales funnel

Here the top 5 ways Calendly gives your sales team superpowers:

1. Speed up your sales pipeline 

Assign meetings to the first rep who can take the meeting, shortening time from contact to demo. 

Round Robin product screenshot
Use round robin events to increase your team's flexibility by allowing invitees to choose a time with any available member of your team.

2. More selling, less data entry 

Calendly’s direct integration with CRMs like Salesforce creates or updates opportunities and activities once a meeting is scheduled. 

When scheduling meetings with new prospects using Calendly, Salesforce automatically creates a new lead, contact or opportunity. If the prospect already exists, the event will be added to the existing record.

Reps love using the integration to get back more selling time, and management loves that Salesforce data is always accurate without having to chase down reps for updates.

3. Reduce no-shows and cancellations with reminders and reconfirmations

Spend more time selling and less time on reminders and manual follow-ups.

With reminder and reconfirmation Workflows, meeting hosts can reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations by automatically prompting invitees to reconfirm their attendance before an upcoming event.

Ask invitees to confirm by email or text, and schedule it to send days, hours, or minutes before your upcoming event. Invitees can confirm their attendance from their phone or desktop. 

4. Team scheduling 

Showcase a variety of meetings from a single page, assign a demo to the first available representative with Round Robin scheduling, use Collective scheduling to let a lead schedule with multiple team members, or allow multiple invitees reserve a spot for the same event. Admins can use the analytics dashboard to discover popular meeting days and times and create more effective team schedules. To learn even more ways teams can use Calendly, check out this webinar.

Different meeting types: Round Robin, Collective, or Group

5. Automated touchpoints 

Increase close rates and eliminate manual follow-ups with Workflows. Automatically send reminders and confirmation requests before every meeting. After a meeting, send thank-you notes, surveys, and follow-ups without lifting a finger. 

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Anna Charity

Anna Charity

Anna is a product marketing manager who loves identifying efficiencies to automate customer workflows and Calendly alum. She is based in Atlanta, GA.

Don't leave your prospects, customers, and candidates waiting

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.

Calendly eliminates the scheduling back and forth and helps you hit goals faster. Get started in seconds.